
Thimphu Festival

One of the biggest festivals in the country is the Thimphu Tshechu. This festival is held in the capital city for three days beginning on 10th day of the 8th month of lunar calendar. This Tshechu is witnessed by thousands of people many of which travel from neighboring Dzongkhags (districts) to attend the festivities. The actual Tshechu is preceded by days and nights of prayer and rituals to invoke the gods.


When it was initiated by the 4th Desi, Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay in 1867 the Tshechu consisted of only a few dances being performed strictly by monks. These were the Zhana chham and the Zhana Nga chham (Dances of the 21 Black Hats), Durdag (Dance of the Lords of the Cremation Ground), and the Tungam chham (Dance of the Terrifying Deities).

The Thimphu Tshechu underwent a change in the 1950s, when the third King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, introduced numerous Boed chhams (mask dances performed by lay monks). These additions added colour and variation to the festival without compromising its spiritual significance. Mask dances like the Guru Tshengye (Eight Manifestations of Guru), Shaw Shachi (Dance of the Stags) are enjoyed because they are similar to stage-theater.

Equally important are the Atsaras, who are more than just mere clowns. The Atsaras are the dupthobs (acharyas), who provide protection. The dances and the jesting of the Atsaras are believed to entrance evil forces and prevent them from causing harm during Tshechus. Modern Atsaras also perform short skits to disseminate health and social awareness messages.

To farmers, the Tshechu is also seen as a break from farm life. It’s an occasion to celebrate, receive blessings and pray for health and happiness.

Day 01| Arrival in Paro – Thimphu (1.2 Hrs)
Day 02| Thimphu Festival
Day 03| Thimphu Festival
Day 04| Thimphu – Punakha (2.5 Hrs)
Day 05| Punakha halt
Day 06| Punakha – Paro
Day 07| Paro – Haa – Paro (6 Hrs)
Day 08| Paro sightseeing
Day 09| Departure

Some useful Bhutanese phrases

Hello: Ku-zu-zam-po-la (meaning good health)
Thank You: Ka din chey la
See you: Lok jey gay
Good bye: Lus la “or” Laso la

Day 01| Arrival in Paro to Thimphu (1.2 Hrs)

On arrival in Paro international airport you will be received by our representative and drive to Thimphu by private car/bus. Check into your hotel. Afternoon we proceed to visit memorial chorten, stupa build in the memory of our late 3rd king. Further we will proceed to Buddha viewpoint, from where we can see entire Thimphu city.
Overnight at Thimphu | Altitude: 2300m

Day 02| Thimphu Festival

We will spend whole day in the festival which will accompany with various mask dances and folk dancers along with jokers actions in the crowd.
Overnight at Thimphu

Day 03| Thimphu Festival

Whole day in the interesting Thimphu festival or in the afternoon we can proceed for other sightseeing like visiting Changangkha Lhakhang, the oldest temple in the valley. Visit takin’s preservation center. Evening, we will visit textile museum and government handicraft emporium.
Overnight in Thimphu

Day 04| Thimphu – Punaka (2.5 Hrs)

After breakfast, visit the School of Arts and crafts where students learn 13 different arts used predominantly in Bhutan, Folk Heritage Museum and the National Library. Drive to the Zilukha nunnery to meet the nuns and interact with them. Lunch in the town and thereafter, proceed to drive two and a half hour for Punakha crossing Dochula pass (3200 mts). If the weather permits one can enjoy a spectacular snowcap view of the Eastern Himalayan as well as the the highest mountains of Bhutan that stretches almost 180 degrees. Walk around the 108 stupas and continue to sub tropical valley of Punakha.
Overnight at Punakha | Altitude: 1350m

Day 05| Punakha halt

Morning visit Punakha Dzong (fortress), which houses the most elaborated temple in the country. This is a fine example of Bhutanese rich Art and Architecture. Visit a farm house to see the kind of house that Bhutanese live in. After lunch, proceed for an hour hike to the temple of Khamsum Yuelley Namgyel Chorten which is perched on a hill from where you’ll see the Punakha valley. Along the walk, we’ll pass through the villages and the locals in their daily lives. Return to hotel for overnight in Punakha.
Overnight at Punakha

Day 06| Punakha – Paro (3.5 Hrs)

Morning visit Gangtey Gompa, the largest and the only monastery of the Nyingmapa sect in western Bhutan before continuing your drive back to Paro for approximately 6 hours. Visit the 17th century Paro Dzong (Fortress) on foot and continue walking through the oldest wooden bridge still in use. Evening stroll around the old Paro town and peep into some local handicrafts stores and to see the lifestyle of the Bhutanese people.
Overnight at Paro | Altitude 2200m

Day 07| Paro – Haa – Paro (6 Hrs)

Visit the temples of Dzongdrakha on foot which studs the rock cliff. Continue driving to Haa over the Chelela Pass, your highest point of the trip at 3800m. When the weather permits one can view the most scared mountain in the country Mt. Jomolhari (7314m). Visit the quiet, timeless Haa valley with a picnic lunch.
Overnight at Paro

Day 08| Paro sightseeing

Early morning drive to the base for the hike up to Tiger’s Nest Monastery, the most revered temple in the country that literally hangs on a granite cliff overlooking the Paro valley. It is said to be where the legendary Indian saint, Guru Padmasambhava, flew from eastern Bhutan on the back of a tiger to overcome the demons of Paro region who were opposing the spread of Buddhism. Lunch in the cafeteria. Most of the day will go on the hike as you ascend gradually taking in the breathtaking views along the way.
Overnight at Paro

Day 09| Departure

Morning transfer to the airport(15 mins) for your departure flight. Our tour staff will bid you farewell at the airport.

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