
Punakha Festival

Punakha is located in the western part of Bhutan is the winter home of the Je Khenpo, the Chief Abbot of Bhutan. Punakha has been of critical importance since the time of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in 17th century.

Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is known as the unifier of Bhutan as a nation state and he was the one who gave Bhutan and its people the distinct cultural identity that identified Bhutan from the rest of the world.

During 17th century Bhutan was invaded several times by Tibetan forces seeking to seize a very precious relic, the Ranjung Kharsapani.  Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal led the Bhutanese to victory over the Tibetans and to commemorate the triumph he introduced the Punakha Drubchen. Since then Punakha Drubchen (also known as Puna Drubchen) became the annual festival of Punakha Dzongkhag.

Day 01| Arrival in Paro – Thimphu (1.2 Hrs)
Day 02| Thimphu sightseeing
Day 03| Thimphu – Punakha (2.5 Hrs)
Day 04| Punakha Festival
Day 05| Punakha Festival
Day 06| Punakha – Phobjikha (3 Hrs)
Day 07| Phobjikha halt
Day 08| Phobjikha – Paro (5.5 Hrs)
Day 09| Paro sightseeing
Day 10| Departure


Day 01| Arrival in Paro – Thimphu (1.2 Hrs)

Upon arrival our guide will receive you and transfer to Thimphu. One can wander on your own to stroll Thimphu streets or relax in your hotel.
Overnight: Thimphu | Altitude: 2300m

Day 02| Thimphu sightseeing

Morning visit the weekend market (Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday), Handmade paper Mill, School of Arts and crafts where students learn 13 different arts used predominantly in Bhutan, Lunch in town. Drive pass by Memorial Chorten (temple) built in memory of the late 3rd King. Visit Changangkha Lhakhang, the oldest temple in the valley, Enclosure where national animal, Takin are kept and Zilukha Nunnery.
Overnight: Thimphu

Day 03| Thimphu – Punakha (2.5 Hrs)

Drive through Dochula pass at 3010m. When the weather permits one can enjoy a spectacular view of the highest mountains of Bhutan at a site that stretches almost 180 degrees. After a short tea break continue to sub tropical Punakha. Afternoon we will hike to Chimi Lhakhang, temple of fertility which is associated with religious arts of phallus.
Overnight: Punakha | Altitude: 1350m

Day 04| Punakha Festival

We will spend whole day in the festival which will accompany with various mask dances and folk dancers along with jokers actions in the crowd.
Overnight at Punakha

Day 05| Punakha Festival

Whole day in the interesting Punakha festival or in the afternoon we can proceed for other sightseeing like visiting Khamsum Yulay Temple or Wangdue excursion visit Rinchingang.
Overnight in Punakha

Day 06| Punakha – Phobjikha (3 Hrs)

Check out of the hotel and visit Chimi Lhakhang on foot, the temple of fertility associated with religious art of phallus. En route visit Wangdi town and continue to Phobjikha over the second highest road pass on your trip at 3140m.Visit Gangtey Gompa, the largest and the only monastery of the Nyingmapa sect in western Bhutan. Evening relax in your hotel or take a stroll.
Overnight: Phobjikha | Altitude: 2900m

Day 07| Phobjikha halt

Morning go for walk and meet the School children close to your hotel, who all walk for hours to reach their nearest school. Phobjikha is a paradise for nature lovers and hikers. There are lots of great places for hikes around the valley. Visit Gangtey monastery, the richly renovated monastery offering rich architecture and paintings. Walk down to the valley through the village for your hotel.
Overnight: Phobjikha

Day 08| Phobjikha – Paro (6 Hrs)

Start early retracing the drive to Paro. In Paro visit the National Museum, the first of its kind which has a collection from natural history to religious paintings. Visit 17 century Paro Dzong (Fortress) on foot and continue walking through the oldest wooden bridge still in use.
Evening stroll old Paro town and peep into some local handicrafts stores. One can also venture to try local restaurant for dinner.
Overnight: Paro | Altitude: 2200m

Day 09| Paro Sightseeing

Visit Kichu Lhakhang, one from the 2 oldest temple in the country, historic Drukgyal Dzong (Fortress) and hike to Tiger’s Nest, the most revered temple in the country that literally hangs on a granite cliff overlooking the Paro Valley. Evening at leisure
Overnight: Paro

Day 10| Departure

Morning transfer to the airport (15 mins) for your departure flight. Our tour staff will bid you farewell at the airport.

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June 22, 2016

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June 22, 2016

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