
Paro Festival

The Paro Tshechu is held every spring and is one of the most colorful and significant events in Paro Dzongkhag (district).

The Tsehchu is considered a major attraction and people travel from neighboring districts to participate in the festivity. Early in the morning on the last day of the celebration the monks display a gigantic thangkha (embroidered painting) , the Guru Throngdel, inside the dzong. Thongdrols are especially impressive examples of Buddhist art and never fail to amaze viewers. They are considered so sacred that simply seeing a Thongdrol is said to cleanse the viewer of sin.

Day 01| Arrival in Paro
Day 02| Paro Festival
Day 03| Paro Festival
Day 04| Paro – Thimphu (1.2 Hrs)
Day 05| Thimphu – Punaka (2.5 Hrs)
Day 06| Punakha halt
Day 07| Punakha-Paro
Day 08| Departure

Some useful Bhutanese phrases

Hello: Ku-zu-zam-po-la (meaning good health)
Thank You: Ka din chey la
See you: Lok jey gay
Good bye: Lus la “or” Laso la

Day 01| Arrival in Paro

On arrival in Paro international airport Keys to Bhutan representative will receive you and transfer to your hotel. Check into your hotel, afternoon visit Kyichu Lhakhang, oldest temple in the country, further drive to north end of Paro valley and visit Drukgyel Ruin Dzong. Evening explore tiny Paro town.
Overnight: Paro | Altitude: 2200m

Day 02| Paro Festival

Whole day attend the annual Paro Tshechu, Bhutan’s largest and most resplendent festival. Masked dancers perform ritualized reenactments of mythical struggles between good and evil forces. Accompanied by Tibetan musicians and the antics of the sacred clowns (atsaras), the Tshechu is a fascinating visual and cultural spectacle unique to Bhutan.
Overnight: Paro

Day 03| Paro Festival

Morning we will visit the festival and in the afternoon drive north end of Paro valley and hike to Tiger’s Nest, the most revered temple in the country that literally hangs on a granite cliff overlooking the Paro Valley at 900m above the valley. The hike will take about 2 hours uphill for an average hiker. Evening relax at your hotel.
Overnight: Paro

Day 04| Paro – Thimphu (1.5 Hrs)

Check out from the hotel and drive to Thimphu, capital city of Bhutan. On arrival check into your hotel. Afternoon visit Memorial Chorten built in the memory of our late 3rd king, further drive to Buddha viewpoint. We have magnificent view of the whole valley from here; visit Changangkha Lhakhang, oldest
temple in the valley.
Overnight: Thimphu | Altitude: 2300m

Day 05| Thimphu – Punakha (2.5 Hrs)

Morning visit the traditional Hand Made Paper Mill, School of Arts and Crafts where students learn 13 different arts used predominantly in Bhutan, Folk Heritage Museum, National Library and the Traditional Institute of Medicine. Drive to the Zilukha nunnery to meet the nuns and interact with them. Lunch in the town and drive to Punakha through Dochula pass (3200 mts) If the weather permits one can enjoy a spectacular view of the highest mountains of Bhutan at a sight that stretches almost 180 degrees. Walk around the 108 stupas and continue to sub tropical valley of Punakha.
Overnight: Punakha | Altitude: 1250m

Day 06| Punakha halt

Morning drive to visit Punakha Dzong (fortress), which houses the most elaborated temple in the country. This is a fine example of Bhutanese rich Art and Architecture. Drive further up to visit the Souvenir Making Center for girls supported by Youth Development Fund. Interact with the students and back to the hotel for lunch. After lunch could relax in the balcony of the hotel to enjoy the view and the nature. Or could go for an hour hike to the temple of Khamsum Yuley Lakhang or the temple of Chimi Lakhang, the temple of fertility associated with religious art of phallus.
Overnight: Punakha

Day 07| Punakha – Paro (3.5 Hrs)

Retrace the drive back to Paro. After lunch, visit national museum of Paro, the first of its kind which has a collection from natural history to religious paintings. Could get some opportunity to see the traditional game, Archery match going on. Evening back to the hotel and enjoy the facility in the hotel.
Overnight: Paro

Day 08| Departure

Morning transfer (10 mins) to the airport for your departure flight. Your guide will bid you farewell at the airport.

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